iPod Touch With Camera Appear on Internet After a few weeks ago fans were shocked by the leaking of the Apple iPhone 4G, due to negligence of their employees. Now Apple seems to be fire beard is back after its latest iPod product leaked on the internet. The latest generation iPod Touch feels special because Apple complete with camera features.This feature is indeed a debate, after Apple CEO Steve Jobs refused to complement the iPod Touch with a camera because this device will be set aside as game consoles. iPod Touch with this camera was first present at the auction site eBay. On the gadget itself, seems written 'DVT-1' and 'DVT-2', 'Apple Development Team,' and capable of running OS 'SwitchbBoard'. iPod Touch is also equipped with supporting application AT Command, CameraFA, GrapeCal and SkankPhone. Unfortunately, when some visitors tried to make an offer on the page, a list of iPod Touch with a camera immediately closed and can not be accessed again. Steve Jobs mentioned, the absence of camera features on the iPod Touch is because Apple wants to reinforce the gadget itself as a console gaming device. That's why the iPod did not really need features like a camcorder or camera on the iPhone ditanamakan. But Jobs said the statement was not entirely correct. Some rumors say, the absence of actual camera on the iPod-related problems has limited space for placement of cameras and hardware. Many experts who are curious about it and then find out the 'content' component of the newest generation of iPod Touch, one of whom is a reviewer from iFixit. After the probe further, they discovered that Apple actually still leaves room for the camera feature on their iPods. By dismantling the handset at the top of the iPod still remains a small dot or a spot where the usual features of embedded cameras will be visible on the surface of the iPod casing.