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NASA: Solar Storm Could Destroy Earth Year 2013

NASA: Solar Storm Could Destroy Earth Year 2013 Often we hear about the story of the end times and the destruction of the earth. Starting from a collision between a meteor with the earth, or the Sun will lose the force of gravity. But that may only speculations that were raised by a number of people who may not necessarily justified.
But now, the United States Space Agency (NASA) proposed that the Earth will experience a collapse in 2013. The cause of the destruction of the earth is a solar storm that will hit the earth next three years.
NASA Scientists believe the Earth will be hit by the magnetic energy from the Sun flares in an unknown level. The sun will be 'turbulent'. Thus was launched Asylum, Tuesday (06/15/2010).
"We know this will come but we do not know how big the impact will be generated from the incident," said Dr. Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division.
Most likely the impact will be generated from the solar storm is the loss of damage to power lines and communication networks in several countries like England. In addition, solar storms can damage the whole system of emergency services, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control device, until the goods everyday like computers and iPods.
"Such systems will not work because of changes in the earth's magnetic storms caused by the sun," said Fisher.
As is known, the solar storm or a CME (Corona Mass Ejection) the sun did not cause the end of the world, but still have an impact on astronomical objects in the vicinity. Solar storm indirect impact on humans, such as radio signals, causing disruption of communication networks to be broken, ugly, or not working.
Solar storm that led to the earth not only disrupt satellites in orbit the earth who are troubled. When the sun blasts leads to earth, high-energy particles that come flying infiltrate into the earth to follow the direction of earth's magnetic field from the north pole and spreads into the atmosphere.

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