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Millions of Mobile Phone Virus Attack in China

Millions of Mobile Phone Virus Attack in ChinaRecently, a new cell phone virus named "MMS Bomber" is rampant in China, and millions of mobile phones in the country affected, the Beijing Business News reported.
Technical team of national computer emergency response network of any act by reminding the user of mobile phone virus that targets mobile devices with the Symbian S60 operating system, which is widely used smartphone Samsung and Nokia.
The virus is disguised as an application, but once installed, the virus will automatically make contact with the Internet and send an MMS message containing a malicious URL to a lot cell phone users at random without being noticed, and resulted in financial losses for users of HP.
Virus was first captured by the "Mobile Security Center of NetQin Mobile Inc.", the main provider of mobile phone security service, in early February 2010 and then. Statistical data show that the company's phone had been infected at least 100 000.
"It seems clear that the virus has a defense mechanism. Immediately after the attack, the virus will disable the system on the HP management program which was attacked, and the wearer will not be able to delete the virus," said Dr. Shihong Zou, head scientist at NetQin.

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