Android GoogleObjective C Apple’ s Best Touch Screen phones iPhone has created a great buzz in the Smartphone industry because of its rich UI and plethora of features. This free app helps you in sending MMS and SMS to your loved ones. Mobile apps development is something they should have dabbled in for a Best Touch Screen phones considerable length of time. It is probably not for non- techies or people who crave extreme simplicity. While the service Android Google is also available as an iPhone app as well as a web app through BlackBerry, Windows and Symbian platforms, Google understandably treats its own platform as first among equals. For this specific purpose, you may get the Backgrounds that is amongst the most popular and free Android apps offering 10, 000 or even more wallpapers. You can keep shuffling the play list around as you wish. Verify that the replication steps and screenshots are ideally meant for all bugs found in your App. SwipePad This is considered one of the 2011 for people who really like Android 4.0 multitasking on their Android phones. According to recent reports, Windows Phone 8 is set to be launched soon which will set a great example in mobile application development & promises some interesting tweaks to the software' s underlying architecture that might see the app store in a more refined way. Android - The only mobile with phone and software fragmentationAndroid phone host an app- centric platform and are highly customizable. Wow, a thing we haven’ t seen in the Apple store yet. YouTubeThe Application has received the Google treatment and it launches as the stand- alone player like in the Smartphone interface. You may shorten the back links and notify the configurations also. For many of us, life is a constant struggle to stay fit. This can use a lot of the storage space of your device and mean that when you want Android Google to view a programme you will end up searching through each and every app to find whatever you' re in the mood for.