Toshiba has finally announced the official tablet Toshiba REGZA AT300 Android Tablet that runs on Android OS version 3.0 Honeycomb. Toshiba Tablet AT300 has been using dual core processors NVIDIA Tegra 2 1GHz, with 1GB memory of RAM and 16GB for internal storage. There are 2 cameras on this tablet, in the back of the 5 Megapixel and 2 Megapixel on the front.
Toshiba REGZA tablet has a 10.1-inch screen 1280 × 800 LCD display that displays the kind of Adaptive contrast better in the sun. This tablet supports Bluetooth, WiFi and HDMI outputs and SD memory card slot. The tablet also features REGZA Apps Connect to connect with other REGZA devices such as notebooks, mobile phones REGZA. etc.. REGZA AT300 size was 177 x 273x 15.8mm and weighs 765g.